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Medical Test for Immigration to Canada Know the Requirements

Medical Test for Immigration to Canada – Know the Requirements

Canada which is one of the most popular country for people who are looking for overseas career opportunities. Canada permits all those talented, young, fit, and skilled workers who are capable of contributing to Canada’s economic growth. The foreign students and skilled workers who want to migrate to Canada and have the desire to become permanent residents of Canada, they should know that before they migrate to Canada they need to have a complete medical test for immigration.

Medical test for immigration to canada is very important without a proper medical test you can not even think about migrating to Canada. You can only migrate to Canada if you have a good medical condition as per the law of Canada, if they find you unfit they will reject your application for visa.

About Medical test for Canada visa

All applicants who are applying for permanent residency they need to undergo a medical test before they migrate to Canada. Applicants who are applying for temporary resident they also have to undergo a medical test without that can not fly to Canada. When you and your family members who will migrate with you, undergo a medical exam, you all need to be healthy and fit as per the requirement of the Canada’s immigration policies.

Medical test is a proof of your present health conditions, if they find it alright then they will allow you to migrate. If they find that your health condition can create adversity for Canadian health services or social services then they will reject your application for visa.

What medical tests are required for Canada immigration?

Immigrants need to have regular health checks for heart, lungs, eyes, nose, and other functional organs. Chest X-ray, blood tests for HIV, syphilis, urine tests are some regular tests. These are some routine tests and physical checks that all immigrants must undergo before they apply for Canada permanent residency.

List of medical exams required to immigrate to Canada

1. Physical examination

Thorough physical examination includes complete check-up of heart, lungs, eyes, nose, and other functional organs. When you undergo a check-up consult your major health issues with doctor.

2. Blood Tests

If you want to be a Permanent resident of Canada, then you need to be completely healthy and free from diseases and different types of disorders like HIV, Syphilis, and active TB. The blood test is a finest diagnostic test that shows a complete report of your body, through blood tests you can know that, do you have any disorder in your body that can affect your health.

3. Urine Tests

Through examination of urine samples in the laboratory, it becomes easy to examine or determine the medical issues that you can have in future. Through urine tests, it becomes easy to determine some diseases like diabetes, kidney stones, and liver diseases. We can also diagnose other major diseases through urine tests.

4. Chest X-rays

Chest x-rays is a mandatory examination because it helps to determine issues with the major body organs and body system. Any female applicant who is pregnant they don’t have to go for a chest x-ray because it can affect the health of a child. After childbirth, mother and newborn both have to go through some medical tests.

5. Medical inadmissibility Canada

If you want to migrate to Canada then you need to meet every single medical inadmissibility only then you will be eligible to migrate to Canada. You should know that medical inadmissibility can affect your application for visa.

Here are some possible reasons for medical inadmissibility:

  • Danger to public health
  • Danger to public safety
  • Excessive demand on health or social services
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