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IRCC Planning Different Approach to Handle TFWP Work Permits

IRCC Is Planning A Different Approach To Handle TFWP Work Permits.

Attention all temporary foreign workers and Canadian employers! The IRCC is looking into a new process to deal with TWFP work permits and planning different approaches for candidates under temporary foreign worker programs. What does this mean for you? Let\’s dive into the details.

Firstly, The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is the department of the Government of Canada responsible for immigration, refugees, and citizenship. They are responsible for granting permission for foreign workers to enter and work in Canada. In the recent news, the department is considering a new method of processing work permits for some foreign workers.

What\’s new for the temporary foreign worker program?

The proposal, which was suggested in December 2022, would apply to foreign employees who currently have a Canadian work visa and wish to continue working in the same occupation for the same company. Because IRCC has not validated this information, it is unclear whether it will proceed with this plan.

The plan is part of an IRCC Action Plan to decrease inventory, enhance client service, and accelerate Canada\’s labour shortage reduction. It also falls under the responsibility of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to make work permit renewals under the Temporary Foreign Worker Programme (TFWP) easier.

The new procedure would include the Global Case Management System (GMCS) pulling applications into specific folders on a daily basis. According to IRCC, the procedure will not be automated.

Normally, processing entails an officer reviewing each work permit application separately to see if they are allowed. This involves an examination of the applicant\’s background, education, language skills, and any licensing needs.

Who is eligible?

According to ATIP data, IRCC received 71,955 applications from foreign employees who were awarded two or more work permits with the same company and occupation between January 2017 and August 31, 2022, thus the government anticipates that the proposed measures would be advantageous.

Candidate eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • They must have received an employer-specific work permit at least once in the previous five years, with no irregularities from the prior application.
  • For a new employer-specific work permit, they must submit a comprehensive work permit application.
  • They must return to the same occupation and National Occupation Classification (NOC) code.
  • They must give biometrics either before or together with their new application.
  • Throughout the screening process, they must fulfil all other admissibility standards.

What is TFWP?

The temporary foreign worker programme (TFWP) in Canada assists Canadian firms in hiring personnel when they are unable to locate qualified, or enough qualified, candidates for open jobs. Employees that enter under the TFWP have work permits that are no longer valid. This implies that they can only work for one employer in Canada.

Most employers who use the TFWP must get a positive or neutral Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This document is presented to ESDC and details the employer\’s strategy to hire foreign employees and why they need to hire them. It must show that recruiting foreign employees will have a positive or neutral effect on the Canadian economy.

Employers must demonstrate that they attempted to fill available employment positions with suitable Canadian citizens or permanent residents before hiring foreign employees. Employers may also be examined for conformity with government requirements once their employee starts working.

This new process would save time and resources for both the IRCC and Canadian employers. It would also bring greater efficiency to the TFWP, making it easier for employers to fill labour shortages and for foreign workers to immigrate to Canada.


The new process being considered by the IRCC is good news for all involved in the TFWP. It will bring greater efficiency to the process, reduce wait times, and benefit both Canadian employers and foreign workers. Stay tuned for further updates on this new process and the temporary foreign worker program,

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