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Express Entry Draw: 600 Candidates Invited by IRCC In Agri-Food

Express Entry Draw: 600 Candidates Invited by IRCC In Agri-Food

IRCC has the very firas finally conducted the very first CBS express entry draw for agriculture and agri-food occupations. Here are the details.

Canada has recently announced the release of 600 ITAs to express entry candidates who possess experience in the Agriculture and Agri-Food occupations, according to the immigration minister. This is a significant moment in Canadian Immigration history, as it marks the first time that the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has focused on the agri-food industry for category-based express entry draw.

In the previous article, we speculated the number of invitations, CRS Score, and Tie Breaking Rule for this specific draw. According to the commitment, we have brought the exact details.

CBS Express Entry Draw for Agri-Food Occupations

Selection typeCategory-based selection
Targeted CategoryAgriculture & Agri-Food Occupations 
DateSeptember 28, 2023
No of Invitations to apply (ITA)600
Rank600 and above
CRS Cutoff354
Tie-Breaking ruleJune 12, 2023, at 10:23:21 UTC

These new rounds of invitations will help Canada attract the qualified people it needs, with a focus on applicants with expertise in the agriculture and agri-food industries, such as retail and wholesale butchers, farm supervisors, and agricultural service contractors.

We have already explained the required NOC Codes, Targeted Occupations, and further Profiles in the previous news regarding the same express entry draw.. You may find the occupation details from there.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Occupations is Priority, Why?

Canada has targeted agriculture and agri-food as priority occupations for several reasons. 

Firstly, the country has a rich history of farming and agriculture, and it is a significant contributor to the economy. 

Secondly, there is a growing demand for locally sourced and sustainable food, which presents an opportunity for Canadian farmers to meet the needs of the market.

Additionally, there is a need to attract and retain skilled workers in these industries. This can be done by offering competitive salaries and benefits, as well as providing opportunities for advancement. It is also important to create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and respected. By doing these things, businesses can attract and retain the best and brightest workers, which will help them to succeed in the long run.

Here are some other ways to attract and retain skilled workers:

  • Offer flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or compressed workweeks.
  • Provide opportunities for professional development and training.
  • Create a culture of innovation and collaboration.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Offer competitive salaries and benefits.

By prioritizing agriculture and agri-food as occupations, Canada can ensure that it has a strong and sustainable workforce for the future.

Overall, targeting these occupations is a smart move for Canada, as it not only supports the economy but also promotes a healthy and sustainable food system.

What is the Tie-Breaking Rule?

The Tie-Breaking Rule in Canada immigration is used to determine who will be selected from a pool of candidates who have the same Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. When multiple candidates have the same score, the tie-breaking rule is applied to select the candidates who will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

The tie-breaking rule prioritizes candidates based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profile. The candidate who submitted their profile first will be selected first.

If multiple candidates submitted their profile at the same date and time, the tie-breaking rule then prioritizes candidates based on their highest-ranked CRS score in the following order: first, candidates with a higher score in the human capital factors (age, education, language proficiency, work experience); second, candidates with a higher score in the spouse or common-law partner factors; and finally, the candidate who has the longest period of time between when they submitted their profile and the tie-breaking rule being applied.


In conclusion, Canada is prioritizing agriculture and agri-food occupations as a way to attract and retain skilled workers in these industries. This is a smart move for Canada, as it will help to ensure that the country has a strong and sustainable workforce for the future. By doing this, Canada can also support the economy and promote a healthy and sustainable food system.

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