BOI Services

Why you should live in Canada in 2022 – Complete Guide

Why you should live in Canada in 2022 – Complete Guide

People usually think of moving or immigrating to overseas countries but avert their idea because they don’t know where they should immigrate. They want to migrate for better career opportunities and for better lifestyle.

When going to abroad comes to mind people think about Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, UK, and USA, but they forget how hard it can be to immigrate to these countries. There is Canada where you can easily migrate and you get opportunities in every field, you can establish your career in Canada with ease and you can have a luxurious lifestyle within your budget.

There are so many reasons to live in Canada , in this blog we will try to outline top reasons to live in Canada or immigrate to Canada:

There is a lot of space

Canada is the second-largest country in the world, there is a great amount of space because of this when you immigrate to Canada you can afford a big house for your family. When you immigrate to Canada you will find that even an average family home looks a lot more spacious and bigger. As a citizen of Canada, you will be able to buy land in Canada because land prices are quite low in Canada if we compare it with UK and USA.

Canada is a happy country

According to a report of CEOWORLD magazine, Canada is one of the happiest country in the world. Canada secured fifth place in the Happiness index survey. Canadian people who are known for their friendliness, politeness, and welcoming approach to immigrants. They welcome every immigrant to their society with an open heart. They don’t misbehave with you just because you move to Canada, they respect your culture and background. People who are living in Canada they are very happy and satisfied with their lives because they earn a good amount of money through which they can afford everything which they like, health services are world-class in Canada, and the crime rate is quite low which makes Canada a safe place to immigrate. These are the things that make Canada a happy country.

Overall quality of life

Canada where you can live a high standard of living with a quality of life, you can maintain a perfect balance between work and play which is quite tough in our native country. Working hours in Canada are quite low in comparison to any other country, this gives you extra time to relax with your family. You can plan holidays with your families like other Canadian people, while living in Canada you can enjoy your life fully.

Free health care

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident then you are eligible for Canada’s medicare, which is a universal health care system. Every Canadian citizen and permanent resident is provided health services through universal public health insurance. If you don’t have health care insurance then also in emergency all territories and provinces will provide free emergency medical services, they will only charge you some basic fees.

Canadian crime rates are incredibly low

Canada is a way-safe destination in comparison to other countries like UK and USA, you don’t have to worry when you are living in Canada. The crime rate in Canada is quite low almost in every single city. It feels good to know that you are living in a country where crime rates are low, and you don’t have to worry about your family and friends.

Canada is an ‘education superpower’

Canada which is one of the most educated nation in the world. Canada offers you free education in public schools until you pass intermediate, other than this higher education in Canada is also affordable in comparison to UK and USA. Canada have some world-class universities like the University of British Columbia, Mcgill University, McMaster University, and the University of Toronto.

Large job market

Canada’s economy is a booming economy, which provides you with a wide range of job opportunities. Canada has a growing elderly population, a large number of residents are reaching their retirement age because of that there is a lack of workforce in Canada. Decreasing workforce is a great chance for people who are planning to move to Canada, they can easily secure jobs in Canada.

There are only few countries who issue work permits without a job offer and Canada is one of them. Not only this it also promises you for great salary package and a stress-free work environment. If you have talent, skillset and looking for work in overseas countries then Canada is the best choice, you will not have remorse after you start working in Canada.

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