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IRCC Canada was previously known as Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Soon after the new Canadian government took power in November 2015, the department’s new name started to be used. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Refugees is in charge of the department. 

This change was made to reflect the department’s mandate more accurately, which has shifted from simply managing immigration to a broader focus on Refugees and Citizenship. The use of the ‘IRCC’ symbol more accurately reflects this broader focus, and its use is becoming more prevalent in official publications and communications.



IRCC Canada made it clear that the country will maintain an open and welcoming immigration policy for family class programmes and skilled immigrants. There is no evidence to suggest that this administration places less importance on family reunification or economic immigration than did its predecessors; in fact, the administration has promised to increase resources given to IRCC in order to speed up programme implementation and processing timeframes. 


Canada’s welcoming nature toward immigrants is defined as “immigration.”. There is mutual benefit to both immigrants and Canada as a result of immigration. It will eventually be beneficial to immigrants that they are able to find jobs in Canada, and eventually the country will be able to grow. 

Canada’s openness to human rights and refugees is known as its refugee policy. Globally, there are an increasing number of refugees, and Canada has taken the initiative to support them and provide them with quality services. 

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada facilitates the arrival of immigrants, provides refugee protection, and provides settlement assistance to newcomers. In addition, it includes: 

  • Grants citizenship 
  • Issues travel documents (such as passports) to Canadians.

Organisational structure

Minister of Immigration, Refugees and CitizenshipSean Fraser
Deputy MinisterCatrina Tapley (August 2019 to present)
Associate Deputy MinisterCaroline Xavier (February 2020 to present)
Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM), Strategic and Program PolicyMarian Campbell-Jarvis (2020 to present)
Associate ADM, Strategic and Program PolicyNatasha Kim
Assistant Deputy Minister, OperationsDaniel Mills
Associate ADM, OperationsVacant
Assistant Deputy Minister, TransformationZaina Sovani (December 2017 to present)
Assistant Deputy Minister, Chief Financial OfficerVacant


The Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act outlines the role of IRCC, often known as Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. The Minister of IRCC administers the Citizenship Act of 1977 and any subsequently passed changes. When it comes to the administration of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Minister of the IRCC and the Minister of Public Safety collaborate closely.

IRCC, together with its multiple programs, is responsible for conducting “the screening of potential permanent and temporary residents to protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. “The IRCC is also in charge of issuing and maintaining Canadian passports and other travel papers that help Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and protected people travel.


Those immigrants who wish to live, settle, or work in Canada must go through IRCC’s lengthy process. The ministry will handle his/her immigration to Canada in a safe and secure manner.

In order to help immigrants effectively integrate and fully enjoy the Canadian way of life, as well as to maximise their capacity to contribute to the development of better communities, IRCC will continue to work to create a “stronger Canada” through promoting programmes and services. Instil in them, without regard to their ethnicity or religious affiliation, the ideals, obligations, and responsibilities of new Canadians. Additionally, it strives to improve its immigration and humanitarian policies and programmes.

The goal of IRCC is to contribute to making Canada stronger via immigration in order to maintain its well-known humanitarian initiatives on a global scale. The vision seeks to clearly define the goal of creating a predictable economic agenda as well as its social and cultural context.  


Over a million PR applications are being managed by IRCC at any given moment from our inventory. Across all of our business areas, we finalised more than 5.2 million decisions in 2022. As of May31, 2023, the data on this page is accurate. Data is a rough estimate and is dynamic.


One of the most unique things about Canada is that it reports some of the strongest levels of public support for immigration in the world. Since the early 1990s, public support for immigration in Canada has steadily increased. Approximately 80 percent of Canadians now agree that immigration benefits the economy, enabling the government to target the arrival of 500,000 new immigrants each year.

The following reasons account for the public’s support for immigration in Canada:

History: Immigration has a long history in Canada. Indigenous peoples of Canada worked alongside European settlers to create the nation. Canada has welcomed millions of immigrants from all over the world since its Confederation in 1867. Therefore, everyone in Canada, with the exception of the Indigenous peoples, is either an immigrant or an immigrant’s descendant. 

As they say at the Canadian Museum of Immigration in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a Canadian is an immigrant with seniority. Canada has a history of immigration. French and British settlers worked alongside native Canadians to establish the nation. Since Canada’s confederation in 1867, a large number of people have arrived there.

Geographic: Canada has considerable control over who enters the nation because it is encircled by large bodies of water and only shares a border with the United States. To ensure that visitors adhere to its policy objectives, Canada can screen visitors before they enter the country thanks to its strict controls.

Assistance: Canada spends enormous sums of money each year to welcome immigrants and help them settle down, including by offering job training. Additionally, Canada spends billions on infrastructure, health care, education, and other crucial sectors to maintain high living standards for both native-born citizens and immigrants.

Politics: Immigration is very high in Canada’s largest cities and provinces. For political candidates to succeed in democratic elections, immigration must be supported. 


  1. Expert Visa counselors provide Step-by-step guidance through a secure, online process.  
  2. Apt evaluation of credentials and faster visa processing. 
  3. Identifying all potential hazards and roadblocks in securing a visa. 
  4. Assistance with documentation, immigration rules, citizenship, and border control procedures.
  5. Multiple case assessment for better conflict resolution.
  6. Designated process managers to provide personalized guidance.

Just like the basics of anything act as “building blocks” forming a strong foundation for constructing complex structures. The Basics of Immigration serve as the foundational elements of moving abroad, for any aspiring immigrant.

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