BOI Services

Know more about what is Canadian lottery Visa

Know more about what is Canadian lottery Visa

The CANADIAN Visa Lottery Online Application Form 2021/2022 registration exercise which is the quickest way for all Foreigners interested in immigrating legally to Live, Study and work in CANADA – a new trick has been seen to lure the applicants…

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How to Apply for Canada Spouse Visa

How to Apply for Canada Spouse Visa?

Canada is an excellent country to raise a family while still enjoying high living standards and high quality of life. Family-sponsored visas are a unique aspect of Canada\’s immigration policy. It allows permanent residents and citizens to sponsor qualifying family…

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Hоw mаny Bасklоgs аre аllоwed fоr РG Diрlоmа in Саnаdа

Hоw mаny Bасklоgs аre аllоwed fоr РG Diрlоmа in Саnаdа?

When it comes to accepting international students with bаcklоgs, Cаnаda universities are regarded for being rather strict. But don\’t worry. Even you have backlogs on your transcript; this does not represent the end of your dreams to study in Canada. Whаt…

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Can I Move to Canada from UK

Can I Move to Canada from UK?

Are you interested in shifting to Canada from the UK? Canada is the most lucrative option for British people. You need to know everything about moving to Canada, and we will discuss it in this blog. British nationals may move…

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Canada Work Permit Agents in Delhi

Canada Work Permit Agents in Delhi

There has been an upsurge in the number of people applying for work visas in Canada in recent years. Canada is the most desired country for talented workers since it offers better working conditions. But getting reliable Canada Work Permit…

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Immigration to Canada from India as Skilled worker

Immigration to Canada from India as Skilled worker

Canada a country that is also called a paradise for immigrants, it’s one of the most desired country for every immigrant. The immigration policies of Canada are very relaxed which attracts people around the world who is actually looking for…

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Weather conditions of Canada throughout the Year

Weather conditions of Canada throughout the Year

Canada which is one of the most beautiful landing-place, throughout the year you can see the beauty of nature with modern art. Canada is a broad or vast country, the weather of Canada is very different in the east and…

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